Dreaming of a home surrounded by tall, lush trees? Houston Tree Removal can make your vision a reality. We have extensive experience caring for trees of all types and can give your home or commercial property’s trees what they need to grow strong. Our arborists can provide expert advice on tree sickness, disease and proper fertilization techniques.
You can count on our team to inspect your trees for signs of damage and trim back branches to promote growth. If you need damaged trees removed, we can do that, too. No matter what your tree care needs may be, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with Houston Tree Removal to learn more.
One of the most commonly overlooked factors in raising healthy trees is maintaining good levels of hydration. A good indicator of whether a tree has the proper requirement of water is in direct correlation to the color and vibrancy of the grass or vegetation on the ground below the tree. Green, vibrant grass typically results from moist soil and healthy root systems of the tree.
Since the soil in the Houston, TX area contains more sand than other areas around the country, our native trees need well-drained areas to grow. Standing water below an Oak, Pine, or Pecan tree can cause disease, rotting and stunted growth. In the dry season, typically the summer in Houston, it is recommended to water your trees and monitor the hydration of the soil. During more wet times, make sure your property is draining well and trees aren't taking on too much water.
Houston Tree Removal has served the tree care needs of residents living in the Houston, Texas area for years. Our arborists have the skill set needed to handle all of your tree care needs. You can come to us for: